Another man – no, that's absurd
Or would I
and would victory betray me
Or is that what she's waiting on
A pounding down, one standing man
To kiss her in a blood embrace of victory
Or would I give her up at all
Because I know it could not be better
To live without what she provides
When we're alone and I undress her
Does she test me, does she know
That I would never turn and go
But fight another, if that's what she'd have me do
Janet: Charlie... I've been with another man.
Well aren't you gonna say anything?
You're just gonna sit there?
Oh Charlie, I didn't know when you were coming back or if you ever would.
I tell you the men around here don't respect anything.
If I told you all the guys that called me up...
And then Cliff,
He didn't make a pass at me.
I mean he didn't even... do it at all, Charlie.
I knew what he wanted, but...
he never did anything about it.
And then it just seemed like the two of us just had to.
Charlie: I don't think I'm up for any more of this.
Why don't you go to bed. We'll work this all out.
Janet: What are you gonna do?
Charlie: I'm just gonna sit here.
-Blood Embrasse, lyrics and sampling by Matt Sweeney with Bonnie Prince Billy. From the album "Superwolf."
The sampled conversation is from 1977's Rolling Thunder.
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